Sunday, April 7, 2013


Well guys I am 33 days from graduating college!!! YIKES! I can't believe I'm that old! ;)

Here are some fun facts and pictures of my life the past few months.

1. Student Teaching is fun, but I am ready for my own classroom. I loved my fourth graders and I love my kindergartners  but my heart is with older ones.

I had 54 4th graders! :)


4th grade!

Cutting the cake (Jeremy's family got to celebrate with us! )

2. I turned 22 on Easter Sunday.

Sweetest man... Cake all over!

6 months at Rangers game

3. Jeremy and I have been toghether for 6 months! (WOW how time flies!!)

4. I don't really have much of a life because I am so tired when I get home, that I just crash.

5. Jeremy and I have had a rough semester, we only see each other on weekends, unless it's a special circumstance, so I'll be glad when school is over for a little bit.

6. I am very ready for summer to hang out with my friends again.

7.  Life is good and busy, but I'm a happy girl!!

That's about it for now, hope you enjoyed my little update.... hopefully in a couple weeks, I'll have big news for you......stay tuned! ;)

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