It's not about me! It's not about me! It's not about me!! Surreal right?!? Can you truly grasp that thought? That this life is not about you? It's not about me!
Last night at a college worship service I attend Josh, out university pastor, had an awesome message. He said lots of great stuff but the one thing that struck my heart and wrecked my world was this life is not about me!!
If you truly life your life with that mindset it really makes you stand in awe of the one true God. I have lived my life half way, if that, with that mindset.... I live to serve others, but at the end of the day it was still about me. So I stated to think where I struggle most about it, and I prayed about it...when I woke up this morning, I couldn't help but smile because it's not about me! I wanted to share some of my realizations.
1. Relationships:: I have had a few boyfriends but through the relationships it was always about me and him. Not us together. I realize now that I need a man of God who wants to be with me to pursue Lord together.... I want to go overseas and serve the lord with my man. And live in a godly relationship with him. Purity. I want our relationship to be focused not about us but about God and through rejoicing in who God is, we will benefit in an awesome relationship.
2. Teaching:: it has been about me. I love kids and yes I wanted to help my kids and teach them lot, but in all reality I want to show my kids Jesus through my teaching. I want to be a light for them. When I step into my classroom it's not about me. It's about serving those little hearts and loving them.
3. Friendships:: I love my friends, and I owe them an apology because so many times I make it about me. When in all reality i need to shut up and listen to them, be there, and love them.
4. School:: it's not about me but it's about every child that will walk into my classroom. Whether it be here in the state or a third world country. I need to work my hiney off in school so I can better help my children reach their full potential.
5. My future family:: it won't be about me. When I bring children into the world, I want to raise them to love Jesus. Not by pounding it in their heads but showing jesus' love to them through me and my husband. I want to make sure that as their mother and wife that it doesn't become about me!
So those are some of the major ones I thought about.... I don't know what you're going through, but is your life reflecting yourself or God?!? Because in all reality this life we live is NOT about us!!! It's not about me! Have a great day yall!!! :)
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