So how many times do we feel stuck? Stuck in a place where no matter where you go or where you try you cant get out. This "stuck" can be in many locations....
1. stuck in a bad spot
2. stuck in a good spot
3. stuck in constant routine
4. stuck in similarity.
Being stuck means you have become satisfied. I refuse to believe that as Christians we should ever become satisfied. Once we become satisfied we lose sight of our purpose.
1. Churches become satisfied with their 300 for attendance every Sunday
2. We become satisfied with our small group of friends of 20 or 30
3. We become satisfied with a a bowl of cereal for dinner every night
4. We become satisfied with a C
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but i believe we all have been "satisfied". I for instance became satisfied with what i deserve in life. I actually lowered my standards for my life during high school, because I was satisfied with bad relationships, B's and C's, and just going to church because i was suppose to. It wasn't until my junior year that i realized that being satisfied was not an option.
So you now are probably scratching your head saying i'm satisfied with many things. But what is the definition of satisfied? Webster describes it as... "feeling or showing self-satisfaction."
As Christians we should never be satisfied with ourselves. Yes be proud of yourself, love yourself, enjoy yourself, but don't be satisfied. You have to continually boast yourself up to do better.
Now to be better I don't mean be an all-star Christian, because that would make you self-righteous. Here is what i mean don't be satisfied when you invite twenty people to church and only one comes. There are still 19 who need Jesus. Yes rejoice and be happy to have that one in church, but remember there are still 19 more out there that need Jesus.
Okay enough for tonight. Don't be stuck or satisfied. Keep moving. Keep having those beautiful feet :)
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