Let me start off by saying today was my lazy day, I had zero intentions of getting out of bed, let alone seeing anybody... So around 4:30 my sweet roommate asked me if I was still up for helping her babysit. I for the life of me could not figure out why she would need me to come help her babysit a four year old.... She is perfectly capable ... So at 5:15 I decided to get out of bed and go "help" her. I make it to her parent's house and wait on her to arrive with the child. She gets there and the little girl keeps saying she is hungry, and Analara keeps making her color..... I finally told Analara (being totally clueless by the way), "let's just take her to d-i-n-n-e-r..." Finally at 6:45, Analara stepped out so I got the little girl ready to go. I kept telling Analara I'd go with her to Mr. Gatties, because Jeremy (the boy) was meeting with a friend and I wasn't going to see him till later tonight. So we get the little girl in her car seat, I was going to follow in my own car when I received a call from Jeremy, his "dinner" was over and he wanted to hang. So I decided I'd just go back to my apartment....
I get to my apartment with every intention to throw on some perfume, fix my hair, and make-up... So key goes in the lock, I open the door, and look directly to my right to see my kitchen table bench has been moved, my heart was a little panicked Then i see a glow coming from my table and right in front of my sitting in the recliner was Jeremy! The table was set with candles, fancy glasses, and plates. :) He had cooked me dinner (it was good!). He stood up and hugged me, He was wearing nice slacks, a fancy button down shirt, and looked gooood! ;) I then look towards my room and see a dress hanging on my door, and he told me my attire was waiting for me..... So i went to change into a beautiful dress, he asked my roommate help him pick it out! I came back out and we had a beautiful candlelit dinner.
Now for the good stuff.... Jeremy and I have been "talking" since the first of September, and I was trying to patiently wait for the question... you know the "Ashlee will you be my girlfriend" question! ;) So after dinner and before dessert, Jeremy Martinez asked me to be his girlfriend :) I had been waiting for the question, but I wasn't expecting my reaction to the question.... I cried! If you haven't met Jeremy, he's an AMAZING guy. He loves Jesus more than anything in this world, and it is portrayed through his life. We then talked about a Christ centered relationship and ate some yummy dessert!
After dinner we did dishes and got back into normal clothes, and he took me to watch Taken 2! (good movie, not as good as Taken 1, but still good) Anyway! Tonight was a night you see in movies, or you dream up as a little girl. I couldn't even believe it happened to me! My brain was running a million miles an hour when I see him sitting in my living room! I know I asked a million questions, poor guy! haha! It was a night I will and cannot ever forget! It was my fairy tale!
So to everybody who knew and had been lying to me for awhile..... cough cough! I love yall and thank you so much for being apart of this, especially to my roommate, who helped Jeremy with tonight! Love you girl, and cherish our friendship sooooo much! :) And for those who just found out like myself tonight! I love yall too, just not as much..... JK JK! I just wanted to share this amazing night with yall! :) well I'm going to bed now, got church in the morning..... I think I might have to wear that dress! :) lol.
Night! :)
p.s. no I didn't take pictures tonight, I was too lost in the moment...