Saturday, December 18, 2010

Be Still vs. Do Nothing

The first part of Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and no that I am God..."

What does that mean to you? I'm gonna get on my soap box for this one. Sorry if I offend you. I have heard so many of my college friends saying "I am just going to sit and let God work." or one of my favorites "God just needs me to wait and do nothing like the verse when it says be still"...... SERIOUSLY?

God has called us to go and make disciples. Carry his word to the ends of the Earth. Tell everybody we come in contact with about him, and love his people like crazy.

And YES God has called us to be still and recognize his greatness. When I look at the first part of this verse, here is how I read it (You can see it differently, just my opinion) When He says be still, it means in everything you do on this Earth, realize that you are serving a mighty God. We serve a mighty God, and so often as Christians we like to take the credit. But it's not about us. He wants us to breath while we work and see how awesome he is.

EXAMPLE:: Josh Hamilton (center fielder for the Rangers) he plays 9 innings straight. When he isn't on the field he's in the dugout getting ready for his spot in the lineup to go bat. Now lets say. Josh never got a break. He played defense then ran and didn't get a break and went straight to batting, then he never left the bases and three outs later he was back out on the field. Okay he would be exhausted if he did that three innings. When he gets off the field and into the dugout, the guys have water, seeds, Gatorade, and whatever else they need to relax from the game for a few minutes. Then it's game time again, and he does it again.

Our lives are very similar. We need a water break from the game we are playing (life) So God has asked us to be still for a second and realize we are playing for a bigger being than ourselves.

So many Christians take this verse and think they aren't to work or do anything. That God will provide everything they need, as long as they just sit. A friend told me a story, that they had a friend who didn't work, yet needed the money to get home, so he asked God for the money, while in reality this guy hasn't done squat nothing to deserve it.

It is important for us to realize that being still and doing nothing are two totally different things. We are called to LIVE on this Earth, but while we LIVE we need to have a short time-out and realize who we are living for. Doing nothing does not glorify the kingdom but being still does!

So challenge:: Don't do nothing. Do something and while doing something take time to praise and realize the mighty God we serve.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Long time no talk

So I haven't blogged in forever, and now just seemed like a perfect time. In my life I have been dealing with two major future and my self-esteem. I have been doing a lot more praying and more listening to God. God has placed amazing people in my life who have guided me a heck of a lot this semester. So I'm gonna discuss those two points tonight.

I have been picturing my future a lot nowadays. I am real close to being 20, two years from being done with school, and things are starting to race through my mind. For instance. When is Mr. Right gonna show up, do i want to teach high school or elementary, do i want to work with a youth group or with children's ministries, and when am i gonna find out all these answers. My mind has been really busy. I have always had my life planned out. I knew when i wanted to get married, have kids, start teaching, work in the church. I have had my life planned out.
But God has had other plans. He has put me in an awesome church, where I get to lead sweet little ones and teach them about Jesus. He has changed my mind about teaching, and he hasn't placed Mr. right in my life, given me different opportunities to serve him, and opened up doors into Africa.

So what i have learned is that this life is not mine. I am not living for me, but for my King. I have had to realize that in the past two months. It's been a long journey but a good one. This life i live is not mine, and when God is ready for me to make my next step, he'll guide me through it, but until then i have to be patient and just love and serve Him.

Looking back at my past, I haven't chosen the best guys to date. They have effected how I see myself, and I hate to say I let a guy control me, but I have. They have dug in my brain, and made me think I am not beautiful. But I have had to slap myself in the face a few times, and realize that what they have done to me or said to me does not make me ugly or not worthy. My God made me beautiful he made us all beautiful. I have put a verse on my sink mirror and I read it daily, and it says I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God made me wonderful. Now granted, there are people who take their "beauty" to an extreme, but there is not problem walking around and feeling good about yourself. I still don't think highly of myself, and think it's gonna take a lot of work, because lots of damage has been done, but in due time I think i'll get there. So this part is a MAJOR work in process.


When you are worried about your future......RELAX and let God love you. He has and knows the big picture for us. And when you look in the mirror and don't like what you see.......know that God made you. The KING of the WORLD made you. Creator of all made you. And you are BEAUTIFUL!

Both these things nag on me daily. I am a person who is very structured and I want to know exactly whats next in my life, and so the future part is hard for me to let go of. And I have to realize nobody on this earth can change the fact that God made me and I am wonderfully made!

Hope you are ready for the Christmas Break! Love you all! :)